Eliza’s Inner Critic

In the heart of bustling New Orleans, amidst the steamy air and the cacophony of street vendors' calls, there lived a woman named Eliza Beauchamp. She was a woman of ambition, with a mind as sharp as the bayou's edge and a spirit as fiery as the Southern sun.


Eliza had always possessed a natural knack for leadership. From a young age, she could rally her friends to grand adventures and steer them through even the stormiest of seas. Her voice, once as melodious as a lark's song, could command attention and inspire action.


As she grew, Eliza honed her skills further. She studied the art of communication with fervor, mastering the subtle nuances of rhetoric and persuasion. In the boardrooms of her corporate career, she stood tall and confident, a beacon of authority and poise.


Yet, despite her prowess, Eliza found herself ensnared in the tangled web of workplace politics. Her introverted nature, coupled with her junior position, left her vulnerable to the machinations of her more senior colleagues. The whispers of self-doubt crept in, planting seeds of uncertainty in her once steadfast mind.


In the midst of high-stakes meetings and critical presentations, Eliza's inner critic reared its ugly head. It whispered cruel taunts and cast shadows of doubt upon her every word. The weight of expectation bore down upon her shoulders, threatening to crush her spirit beneath its heavy burden.


Try as she might, Eliza could not silence the voice of her inner critic. It echoed relentlessly in her mind, drowning out her natural confidence and drowning her voice in a sea of monotony. Her once vibrant tone became flat and lifeless, devoid of the passion and authority that once defined her.


Desperate to reclaim her voice, Eliza turned to her notes for solace. She clung to them like a lifeline, relying on them to guide her through the treacherous waters of self-doubt. But the more she relied on her notes, the further she drifted from her true self.


As a communication coach, analyzing Eliza's situation requires delving deep into the root causes of her inner critic and understanding how it manifests in her communication challenges. From the narrative, it's evident that Eliza's inner critic stems from a combination of work politics, her introverted nature, and past negative experiences.


The work politics likely contribute to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, especially given her junior position and the pressure to navigate a competitive corporate environment. Her introverted nature may exacerbate these feelings, as introverts often struggle with assertiveness and confidence in social situations, particularly in high-pressure environments like meetings and presentations.


Additionally, Eliza's past negative experiences, such as encountering unsupportive teachers and counselors, along with a manipulative psychologist, have likely eroded her self-esteem and contributed to the development of her inner critic.


To address these root causes and empower Eliza to silence her inner critic and speak with authority, several steps and strategies can be implemented:


Identify and Challenge Negative Beliefs: Start by helping Eliza identify the negative beliefs and thought patterns fueling her inner critic. Encourage her to challenge these beliefs by examining the evidence supporting them and replacing them with more empowering and realistic beliefs.


Build Self-Confidence: Work with Eliza to build her self-confidence through positive affirmations, visualization exercises, and role-playing scenarios. Help her cultivate a strong sense of self-worth and resilience to counteract the effects of past negative experiences.


Develop Assertiveness Skills: Provide Eliza with assertiveness training to help her assert her needs, opinions, and boundaries confidently and respectfully. Teach her effective communication techniques, such as active listening, assertive body language, and using "I" statements to express herself assertively.


Embrace Introversion as a Strength: Help Eliza reframe her introverted nature as a strength rather than a weakness. Encourage her to leverage her strengths as an introvert, such as deep listening, thoughtful reflection, and strategic thinking, to enhance her communication style and leadership abilities.


Practice Effective Communication: Guide Eliza through practical exercises and role-playing scenarios to practice effective communication skills, such as clear articulation, vocal projection, and maintaining eye contact. Provide constructive feedback and support to help her refine her communication style and build confidence in her ability to speak with authority.


Cultivate a Supportive Environment: Create a supportive and nurturing coaching environment where Eliza feels safe to explore and overcome her communication challenges. Foster a sense of trust and rapport to facilitate open and honest communication, allowing Eliza to express herself freely and receive the support she needs to thrive.


By implementing these steps and strategies, Eliza can silence her inner critic, embrace her introverted nature as a strength, and unleash her leadership abilities to speak with authority and confidence in any situation. Through targeted coaching and support, she can overcome her communication challenges and realize her full potential as a leader.


To facilitate Eliza’s transformation, I would customize my SPEECH Framework, to help dissolve her inner critic, convert her introversion into a strength, and unleash her inherent leadership qualities to fuel her true voice, empowering her with tools to speak with authority and confidence. But here is a quick DIY process that you can implement yourself to get started:

Step 1: Survey Your Anxiety Triggers


Identifying when and where Eliza feels most anxious.

Recognizing the physical cues that signal the onset of anxiety.


Trigger Logging: Eliza should keep a detailed log of moments when her inner critic is most vocal, noting what specific aspects of her environment or interactions trigger it.

Physical Cue Awareness: Developing mindfulness to recognize and address physical signs of anxiety, like a quickened heartbeat or tension, to preempt the inner critic's effect.


When do you feel your inner critic is the loudest?

What are the physical sensations that accompany these critical thoughts?

Client Transformation:

Eliza realizes her anxiety peaks during executive meetings, especially when senior colleagues discuss strategic directions. She notes a tightening in her chest and shallow breathing as precursors to her self-doubt.

Step 2: Pivot Your Beliefs


Challenging the validity of her self-critical thoughts.

Constructing a new narrative that emphasizes her capabilities and past successes.


Cognitive Restructuring: Writing down her critical thoughts and systematically disputing them with evidence of her competencies and achievements.

Success Visualization: Practicing daily visualizations where she recalls moments of successful leadership and communication.


What evidence do I have that contradicts my inner critic?

How have I successfully led and communicated in the past?

Client Transformation:

Eliza would begin to see that her inner critic's narrative doesn't hold up against her history of successful projects or endeavors. Visualization helps her internalize this new, positive self-view.

Step 3: Enhance Mindset Pathways


Building a resilient mindset that can withstand workplace pressures.

Embracing introversion as a leadership quality.


Affirmation Crafting: Developing personalized affirmations that reinforce her new beliefs.

Role-Playing: Engaging in role-play exercises that simulate challenging workplace scenarios, reinforcing her assertiveness.


How can I use my introverted qualities to my advantage in leadership?

What strengths have I shown in difficult situations that I can draw upon now?

Client Transformation:

Eliza leverages her reflective nature to prepare thoughtfully for meetings. Role-playing boosts her assertiveness, allowing her to address workplace politics proactively.


Step 4: Elevate Your Skills and Authority


Refining communication skills to project authority.

Learning to control the narrative within meetings and presentations.


Public Speaking Drills: Practicing speaking exercises that focus on projection, pacing, and enunciation.

Meeting Simulations: Simulating meeting environments where Eliza practices steering conversations and making decisive statements.


What communication skills do I want to strengthen to feel more authoritative?

How can I steer conversations in meetings to reflect my leadership?

Client Transformation:

Through drills, Eliza's speaking becomes more controlled and commanding. In simulated meetings, she successfully navigates complex discussions, reinforcing her authority.


Step 5: Cultivate Confidence


Building an internal foundation of confidence that is independent of external validation.

Regularly stepping into leadership roles to solidify self-assurance.


Confidence Journaling: Maintaining a journal where Eliza records daily instances of effective communication and leadership.

Leadership Opportunities: Seeking and embracing opportunities to lead, whether in community settings or workplace projects.


What small leadership roles can I take on to build my confidence?

How did I effectively communicate today, and how did it feel?

Client Transformation:

Eliza begins to lead a new community project, where her decisions are met with respect and enthusiasm. Journaling becomes a positive reflection of her growing confidence.


Step 6: Harness Authenticity and Engagement


Encouraging genuine expression and connection with her audience.

Developing a unique speaking style that reflects her personality and resonates with listeners.


Authenticity Practice: Crafting speeches that reflect her personal stories and values.

Engagement Techniques: Learning and applying methods like storytelling and audience participation to build rapport.


How can I bring more of my personal experiences into my communication?

What techniques can I use to ensure my audience is engaged and connected with my message?

Client Transformation:

Eliza integrates personal anecdotes into her presentations, finding that her unique perspective captivates her colleagues. Her natural charisma, combined with newfound skills, reinvigorates her voice, making her a standout communicator at work and beyond.

Eliza's transformation is a testament to the power of the SPEECH framework, serving as an inspiring example for others facing similar challenges in personal and professional communication.

If you or someone you know can relate to this story, feel free to share – and if you’re ready to conquer your inner critic, book a free strategy call with me to determine a communication plan that would empower


Monisha's Entrapped Voice


Title: Unveiling the Voice Within: Mei's Odyssey from Anxiety to Authority