Liberate Yourself. Regain Your Power.

Renew Your Spirit. rewrite Your JOURNEY.


There is no doubt that your strength, your intentions, your efforts have led you as far as you have come on your own. You have survived trials and tribulations, overcome obstacles and challenges, and succeeded in coming this far. You are not the problem. But the constant bombardment of life itself can derail anyone. We are all accustomed to that and, more than likely, you have set yourself back on track several times. However, there are times when no matter how much we try, we can’t get back on track but remain on the side of it, unable to regain the thrusters needed to move full steam ahead. That is when 1:1 coaching can accelerate the fix. That extra little support of being listened to, guided, and supported can truly do wonders. Rather than lose days, weeks, months, or even years in struggling by yourself, you can reclaim your journey in half the time.

1:1 coaching can be customized to fit your needs. Here, we will utilize various tools to regain and restore focus, balance, perspective, confidence, purpose, and direction for healthier well-being in your career, relationships, or pursuits. Together, we will discover your calling, your confidence, and your purpose. Together, we will make you the hero(-ine) of your story.

Coaching and being coached is not a linear process that many models follow. Such models work if your self-concept is aligned with your goals. But our experiences, emotions, thoughts, and thus decisions are like the layers of an onion. What seems to be the problem on the surface may have many underlying layers of experiences that have created inner barriers, justified your current thoughts and actions, defined who you have become, and resulted in feeling perhaps stuck, cornered, or burdened.

Hence, we will identify those layers of experiences, choices, evidence, and beliefs that created your current journey and have led to patterns and habits that don’t yield the results you want. We will get to the heart of your self-concept, your inner barriers that are at the roots of your current reality and narrative so that we can make your potential realized in concrete, manifested forms. This means getting out of your comfort zone.

We will transform your vicious cycles into a protean, organic cycle where you can make new choices, cultivate new skills, and generate new evidence that redefines your self-concept and creates growth, results, progress, and lasting change. In short, we will transform those onion layers into lotus petals where you will blossom out of the muddy waters of uncertainty and doubt.

Let’s face it, we don’t have time to waste. We need to get results quickly and effectively.

If you find yourself struggling with any of the following:

  • Healing from negative experiences and relationships

  • Overcoming grief and loss: of a loved one, of a phase in life, of purpose, of the self, of the spirit and identity

  • Resolving resentment and regret

  • Managing cultural and generational gaps, stigmas, expectations and pressures

  • Achieving focus and productivity in career or personal pursuits

  • Letting go of the past to move forward

  • Cultivating growth, confidence, self-esteem and direction for school, college, or career

  • Improving communication, compassion, and connection at work or home, in professional to social contexts

  • Developing self-care and self-actualization techniques

  • Reclaiming inner power, purpose, and progress to unleash your potential

    So, if you no longer want to delay being empowered in any of the following, then you are ready to take the next step:

  • Feeling alleviated and unstuck from the shackles that have burdened your heart, spirit, and mind

  • Gaining a better sense of direction, focus, and purpose

  • Feeling heard and supported

  • Discovering or reclaiming your voice, your calling, your creativity

  • Regaining your confidence, self-worth, vision, and/or goals

  • Letting go of the past and resentment

  • Handling ongoing challenges

  • Managing your actions and reactions, choices and responses to specific situations

    What you will get from me:

  • Safe and open space to share and talk

  • Compassionate and empathic listening

  • Nurturing and supportive coaching

  • Helping you with your priorities

  • Identifying your strengths and potential

  • Supporting your path to your new narrative

  • Suggestions on methods and practices to empower you

  • Determining long-lasting ways to manage your issue

  • Moving forward for life where you become the hero

  • Achieving results to reclaim your journey

    What we will do together:

    Together, we will explore and identify your barriers, understand the patterns that have stifled your growth, and transform those hurdles into opportunities to recognize and validate your self-worth, your purpose, and your direction, empowering you to reclaim your narrative, your resilience, and your journey to be the leading hero in your life.

You have come this far and are clearly ready to empower yourself. Take the next step and email me today to book your free consultation:

Healing, recovering, discovering…

If you have experienced the pressures, negative impacts, and experiences that have shattered your spirit and mindset, impacting your ability to heal, recover, and renew your self-esteem, self-confidence, motivation, purpose, and productivity. Grief and loss experienced that may or may not even be related to the death of a loved one can leave one lost and cynical, simmering newfound mindset barriers and beliefs. If you have been in a rut, struggling to re-discover and reinvent yourself, I am here to help you through that process.

Relationships with family, colleagues, and even friends, chaotic or stressful environments, and personal tragedies can leave us devastated and buried in an emotional mess, entangled and uncertain of how to cope and move forward.

Together, we will work on identifying the hurdles and issues, determine ways to move forward and even discover your calling through coaching, exercises and next steps, Preventing self-sabotage and healing from the pain and/or experience to renew your journey with courage, confidence, strength, purpose, and direction.

COllege Application Essays for high schoolers

There are 2 main phases that teens experience when we look at their preparation for college applications:

1) Discovery and Cultivation Phase: Students may or may not know exactly what they are good at, what they wish to cultivate, or what they want to pursue for college. Yet, they may know more about what they DON’T want to be or do.

The ACE Program: The ACE Program involves careful planning and work to maximize results and benefits critical to this phase:

  • We will go through various exercises and steps to convert lost, unfocused exploration into targeted, focused, productive identification of your teen’s achievements, skills, and interests and align them with your teen’s values, beliefs, and aspirations.

  • We will clarify their interests and goals so they can effectively identify their desired path.

  • We will identify and pursue the right extracurricular activities to help them stand out.

  • We will then develop and manage goals to cultivate the necessary skills and experiences they need to commit to and evolve to show direction, vision and purpose on their college applications.

    This critically important phase will provide the groundwork for their college application essays and give them the confidence, vision, and purpose they need to Aspire, Commit and Evolve.

2) The Showcase Phase: This phase focuses on showcasing the teen’s achievements, vision, purpose, and experiences through the essays they need to prepare for college.

  • We will work on identifying the right colleges, majors to pursue, communities and internships to follow.

  • We will cultivate the content, mindset, vision and purpose to showcase their authenticity, authority, experiences, achievements, confidence, leadership, contribution, service learning, values and aspirations necessary to develop stellar application essays.

  • We will work on planning, strategizing, preparing, outlining, drafting, revising, editing, and finalizing the essays needed for your college application.

This is an intensive, hands-on approach to preparing stand-out applications to enter their dream college.

Open to your specific goals

Have a unique or specific issue or problem that you would like support, guidance, and/or trackable goals for? Sure! After I understand your experience of the specific problem, We will explore the alternative solutions, identify its exceptions, and then set goals to manage, resolve, or come to terms with that problem. We will derive actionable goals that empower you to find resolution, balance, focus, and direction. It’s all about you and, together, we will get you back on the path you wish to be. I will empower you to be the hero/ine of your own story.

Growth, Direction, Vision and mindset

For Women

It’s easy for women to get mired down by the rush and routine of life. As women, we are constantly processing so many emotions, concerns, and issues, often thinking about others and putting them first, and even judging ourselves through it all. We are our own hardest critic.

In the process, at some point in our lives, we will question our direction, our purpose, and our growth. Is this the direction you want to go in? Is this what and how you imagined life would be for yourself?

Many moments may come where we struggle with just that and wrestle with the fact that somewhere, somehow we want a change, we want to bloom, we want to spread our wings. Most will attempt to initiate change independently, even quietly or secretly. But then, years will go on by, and not enough progress will have been made. The internal frustration will increase, the judgment of oneself will also increase, and then the disappointment and lack of motivation will keep gnawing at the spirit.

Women are by nature do-ers, but they will often sacrifice the time needed to do for themselves to meet the needs of others or the demands of life in general. If this is you, it’s time to seize this opportunity for yourself. Time seems to fly by faster and faster each year; before you know it, 5, 10, 15 years will have flown by. Add to that any negative self-talk and cycles of habits that keep you shackled and unable to unleash your potential.

I work with women re/discover their passions, purpose, and direction, cultivate them, and put them on the path to concretely build their potential that will increase their confidence, focus, time management, and growth. I support women through the process of identifying and addressing the hurdles and steps to reclaim their narrative, their journey, and their goals. Together, we will unshackle the chains that keep you in your rut so that you can experience the freedom to be you.

For Teens

Middle school onwards is a time of exploration. But it is also when teens can be overwhelmed by many pressures: social, academic, family, media, and much more. This can impact their time management skills, interests and passions, extracurricular activities, and overall choices. Add to that the building pressure to develop a vision, direction, and purpose they need to present in their college applications and cultivate all that through their hobbies, interests, academics, competitions, and extracurriculars.

It is only natural that teens won’t initially have any idea of what they are interested in, who they want to be just yet, and where they want to go. They won’t completely know how they wish to contribute to society and the community.

I help teens overcome the barriers and limited beliefs to cultivate their interests, purpose, and direction and to concretely build their potential that will increase their confidence, focus, time management, and growth in preparation for college and adulthood.

Working with teens to focus on their growth, cultivate their interests and academics, and maintain focus and productivity are essential not only for a healthier well-being but for high school survival and college preparation.

Starting sooner rather than later always helps. making sure middle schoolers know how to discover their interests and cultivate them to showcase their skills, achievements, and contributions tips the competition on college applications, for example, in their favor. But how are they going to know where to start? how will they know how to stay on track?

This is also especially helpful for young teens to manage the various pressures that impede their success and direction and impact their emotions, motivation, confidence, and self-esteem.

Here, we work on steps and methods to do just that. This is not a long-term process; rather, we accomplish this in a few months and then, if needed, tune-ups and tweaks with a few sessions each year will ensure teens maintain their focus, direction, purpose, and productivity.

Live Webinars, Trainings, Presentations

Live Webinars, Trainings, Presentations

Need a live webinar or presentation at your workplace?

Here are some topics I can engage with your staff, colleagues, or students:

REBT Training for Educators- Be led through Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy principles that will help manage the daily classroom stresses, improve focus and perspective, regain emotional balance, and contribute the same skills to students and colleagues, building resilience in yourself and students.

College Application Essay Preparation- For High Schoolers to understand and proceed with the necessary steps to determine their colleges of choice, assemble their college application packet and prepare their essays.

Pre-College Prep- Guiding Middle Schoolers to discover and cultivate their passions, direction, and pursuits in preparation for the college application essays.

60-90 minute presentations available.

Degrees, Certifications, and Trainings


Solution Focused Brief Therapy

Growth Mindset

PhD Education

M.C. Health Administration

Professional Life Coach

CBT and Positive Psychology

Emotional Intelligence and Resilience


REBT Solution Focused Brief Therapy Growth Mindset PhD Education M.C. Health Administration Professional Life Coach CBT and Positive Psychology Emotional Intelligence and Resilience Healing

“We must let go

of those hurthful things,

that burn and hiss

And bite and sting

that hurt the heart

and clip our wings,

where we can’t fly

and we can’t sing

i think it’s time

to turn the page,

turn to the light

and quiet the rage

forgive the slights

we cannot change,

and spread our wings

to escape this cage.”

Jimmy Osborne, “Letting Go”.