MPower Coaching

Mitali Chaudhery, PhD

Your Communications and Mindset & Resilience Coach to

Empowerment For Life

personal coaching to empower you

Are you feeling stuck in a rut? Are you frustrated and resentful?

Do you feel stifled, voiceless, unheard, and suppressed?

Are you overwhelmed and exhausted at so many levels that you can’t even count them all?

Do you feel hopeless, devalued, demoralized?

Do you feel powerless, pushed, and pressured?

Do you feel lost in loneliness?

Do you look in the mirror only to see that the spark of spirit is lost in your eyes?

Have you experienced an emotional or spiritual derailment? And though you’ve tried to get back on track, you just can’t get all the engines running yet?

Have you experienced a shift in purpose, meaning, and direction? Or sense the need for change?

I am here to work with you

Professional Coaching

Creating a plan that works for you

People love to call me Dr. C or just Tia. I work with teens and women who are struggling to overcome the negative impacts experienced in or through school, career, loss, and/or family relationships, to regain their confidence, purpose, motivation, and balance and to unleash their potential for personal well-being and a healthier, happier life. Learn More

I also help women and teens to overcome communication anxiety: from discovering their voice, vision and purpose to conveying a confident, persuasive, influential speaker who will emanate resilience and radiance. Learn More

Additionally, I work with educators and administrators to maintain growth and productivity, cultivate emotional resilience as well as manage the stresses that come with teaching or administrating to maintain work/life balance, communication and connection, and productivity and motivation. Learn More

Target Specific Areas for communication and personal life challenges

Personal journey, peace, purpose and transformation

Resilience, renewal, redirection

Career, school, and college

Family, sibling/spouse/partner relationships, cultural and generational gaps

Communication for Authenticity, Authority, Confidence and Engagement

Target Specific issues

Interpersonal relationships, college and career, grief and loss, confidence and motivation, productivity, purpose and direction, emotional stability, balance and focus, self-esteem and self-actualization, self-concept and self-awareness.

Communication for Engagement, Effectiveness, Persuasiveness, Influence, and Impact.

I firmly believe that personalized coaching that resonates with support, empathy, and insightfulness yields the maximum benefits to each of my clients. I strive to empower women and teens to transform their fears, limiting beliefs, and anxieties into confidence, authority, authenticity that unleashes their true potential and aligns with their true voice, purpose, and identity.

Has the past impacted your future? Has it sabotaged your inner voice and guide and debilitated you from continuing with your goals and aspirations? Do you find yourself lost, uncertain about your direction, and unmotivated because of trials and errors in your efforts have led you nowhere thus far?

Have these struggles now impacted your:

1. Communication and presentation at the workplace?

2. Focus, purpose and direction for school, college, career, or life?

3. Behavior and connections with friends, family, peers, or teams?

The Problem: Our negative experiences in professional and personal settings often demoralize us, creating habituated beliefs, perceptions, and perspectives that put us in a vicious loop of helplessness and exhaustion. These can become the triggers that fuel our fears and anxieties which strengthen the saboteurs of our mindset and cripple our resilience.

As a result, we become our own worst enemy and the issues become exacerbated as they manifest themselves through our behaviors, communications, and interactions personally and professionally until we are left with this nagging sense of self-doubt that undermines our potential and self-worth. We lose our confidence, our purpose, and even our belief in ourselves.

And so, out of sheer desperation, we embark on guides, books, trainings, webinars, courses on what we think will address our issues and fix us. The next thing you know, years have passed by and you're nowhere closer to being or feeling fixed. Rather, all those resources have only made the forest you're already in even more dense and dark.

The Solution: Targeted mindset and resilience coaching will redeem those lost years. All you need is a helping hand to guide you through your forest and reclaim your journey. We will:

1. Challenge those limiting beliefs, fears and anxieties and reclaim your self-esteem and self-worth.

2. Conquer those saboteurs and unleash your inner voice and guide

3. Realign your true identity, purpose, and vision with a renewed mindset that will replace self-doubt and fears with self-awareness and control

4. Overcome negative experiences so they no longer define or control you

5. Rebuild your confidence and potential with tools and methods that give you long-lasting results

The Benefits: As you embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment, you'll experience the cultivation and transformation in confidence, mindset, resilience, effective communication, meaningful relationships, and presentation of yourself.

Your Journey Begins Here: Let yourself shine with resilience, strength, and courage once and for all.